Wednesday 19 January 2011

Change Sidebar colour in Nautilus-Elementary

Here is one of those tips that should be used as a default in nautilus. OMG!Ubuntu posted this tip earlier this week.

Is quite simple and the results are quite impressive, it makes nautilus look much nicer.

First open nautilus and see if you have this file in your home directory ~/.gtkrc-2.0. If so, edit and paste the code below in it. If the file doesn't exist open gedit on paste the code below and save it as .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory.

style "nautilus-sidepane"
    GtkTreeView::even_row_color   = "#F2F1F0"
widget_class "*NautilusSidePane*" style "nautilus-sidepane"

Ok, I'm off to do the same thing to my netbook.